We help you select, book and hire celebrity speakers for your event. Presentations that feature a celebrity speaker, sports personality or celebrity chef are selected to create the “wow factor” to transform a normal corporate event into an impactful experience for all attendees that will be remembered for many years to come.
Select and Hire Celebrity Speakers for your Event

Ben Stiller and American Idol Winner Kris Allen strike a pose from “Zoolander” with Wal-Mart CFO Tom Schoewe
Celebrity Speakers are available to perform at corporate, non-profit and private events on a selective basis. We help you with the selection and contract negotiation and we are always positioned as your advocate throughout the process – and we won’t let you overpay.
View our “Celebrity Little Black Book” of Celebrities
Click a List of Celebrity Speakers Below:
View List of Celebrity Speakers
View List of Sports Personalities
Whether you’re just considering the idea having a celebrity comedian, keynote speaker, sports personality or celebrity chef at your event or … if you’re an experienced talent buyer, we take pride in helping you acquire a “Bigger Name” for your entertainment dollar.
Contact Us to find out how you can book a celebrity to perform at your important event.

Sir Richard Branson joins Salesforce.com CEO Marc Benioff during a Conference Panel Session
Why Celebrity Direct Inc.
Direct Source for Celebrity Performers We are the industry leader in celebrity talent buying and production for corporate events. We work on your behalf to hire the best possible celebrity for your budget and we are uniquely positioned as your advocate in the booking process so you never overpay.
Corporate & Non-Profit Events and Private Performances We are dedicated to private performances, not publicly ticketed events, and we are the experts in this highly specialized entertainment market.
Complete Turn-Key Production Nationwide Event planners work with us in several ways, either choosing from a menu of our services or asking us to produce a show delivered completely turn-key at your event nationwide.